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Best social bookmarking sites for blogger

Social Bookmarking sites are special sites where anyone can create an account and upload their bookmarks to it. You can make these bookmarks accessible to others by making them public or keep them private. The links within these bookmarks are classified by tagging them with keywords which signify their overall nature. Thus you can tag all your friends blogs under blogs and all the technology links under technology. Some sites periodically verify that bookmarks still work. Notifying users when a URL no longer functions. Visitors to social bookmarking sites can search for resources by keyword, person, or popularity and see the public bookmarks, tags, and classification schemes that registered users have created and saved.

Social bookmarking dates back just a couple of years, when sites like Furl, Simpy, and del.icio.us began operating. Social bookmarking is particularly useful when collecting a set of resources that are to be shared with others. Anyone can participate in social bookmarking.


The best known currently of all such tools is del.icio.us. There are some 70k users at the time of writing. This is very much a personal, out-of-hours effort by Joshua Schachter. Developed initially as a simple web page listing links with annotations, Schachter then decided to make these available on a web server so that friends and others could also make use of these bookmarks.
In all the codes given below change the character '&' to '&a m p;' typed without spaces.
To add the code for del.icio.us to your blog posts Login to Dashboard and go to Layouts. Then click on Edit Html subtab of Template tab and first backup your template to PC. Then put a check in Expand Widgets Template box at top of Edit Teplate text box and scroll down to the blog posts widget footer to this line :

<p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'/>

Paste the following code below the above line :

<a expr:href='"http://del.icio.us/post?url=" + data:post.url + "&title=" + data:post.title'> <img alt='Del.icio.us' src='URL OF DELICIOUS GIF'/></a>

Save the image above to your PC and then upload it to a freehost like Googlepages and then paste its link instead of 'URL OF DELICIOUS GIF' in above code. Save Template.


Furl (for 'File URL'), first programmed in '03 by Mike Giles, had its official public launch in January '04. It has now attracted several hundred thousand users. A distinctive feature of Furl is that it saves web pages as well as links with each member being allocated some 5 GB of storage. Furl was created in response to the author's personal need for full text searching in order to find information he had previously read. Many Furl users have built up extensive libraries, and full text searching is seen by many as the most important way to recall this information. Tagging is considered a secondary activity. An interesting problem with hosting local copies of bookmarked pages is the potential for copyright infringement, if, for example, pages that require subscription access to view are being saved in their entirety on a third-party service. Furl has bypassed this problem by limiting access to the hosted copy to the original user who bookmarked it, and hence presumably has legitimate access to the content. Other users are simply directed to the original URL.

To add the Furl Bookmark to your posts add the following code at the same position as the del.icio.us code above. Also save the Furl image above and upload it to a freehost so as to add its link in the code below :

<a expr:href='"http://www.furl.net/storeIt.jsp?u=" + data:post.url + "&t=" + data:post.title'><img alt='Furl' src='URL OF FURL GIF'/></a>

Save Template.


Simpy was authored by Otis Gospodnetić. Released in May '04, Simpy now has several thousands of active users, and several hundreds of thousands of links. The service was created for the sole purpose of organizing links: the social aspect grew out of that. Simpy allows users to track other users' bookmarks by creating 'topics'. Any number of users or specific searches can be saved to a topic, and these results will be checked for new bookmarks. These topics can then be made available as RSS feeds. The latest version of Simpy allows users to create lists of notes, which can be tagged in the same way as bookmarks.

To add the Simpy code download the Simpy image above and upload it to a freehost and put its link in the below code :
<a expr:href='"http://www.simpy.com/simpy/LinkAdd.do?href=" + data:post.url + "&title=" + data:post.title'><img alt='Simpy' src='URL OF SIMPY GIF'/></a>

Add this code in the same place as the Furl and Del.ici.ous codes. Save Template.


Spurl.net (after 'SPecial URL') was authored by Hjalmar Gislason, and it is another example of an on-line bookmarking service and search engine. It currently has several thousands of active users.

Spurl.net, similarly to Furl, allows hosting of local copies of pages that have been bookmarked, the full text of which can then be searched. Spurl.net allows users to define their bookmarks as public (the default) or private, the latter being the most commonly selected setting. Spurl.net supports both multi-level categories, as well as user-assigned tags, and runs a special search engine Zniff that uses human information for ranking and indexing. To add the spurl code follow the same procedure as in the above cases. The code is given below :

<a expr:href='"http://www.spurl.net/spurl.php?url=" + data:post.url + "&title=" + data:post.title'><img alt='Spurl' src='URL OF SPURL GIF'/></a>

Save Template. If you have any problem you can ask me via comment on this blog.

1 comment:

headwise.net said...

Social bookmarking is a method for users to organize, store, manage and search for bookmarks of resources online so social bookmark is a one of the best plate form for SEO exports.

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